Canadian HR Expertise.

When You Need It.

Don't need the full suite of HRLive services? You can still benefit from our HR consulting services on an as-needed basis. Our Ontario-based consulting team at SHRP can assist you with any HR-related issue. Our solutions are customized to fit your unique needs, operations, and workplace culture

We can tailor our services to match your organizational needs, whether you require strategic hiring and compensation support, employee opinion surveys, policy manual creation, or assistance with managing performance issues and terminations. No matter the challenge, we've got you covered.

With our comprehensive suite of HR services, including HRLive, your organization can access the same top-tier HR tools and support typically reserved for larger organizations. Our services are scalable and flexible.

Our primary areas of HR consulting are outlined below.

Policy Manuals & Employee Handbooks
Policy Manuals & Employee Handbooks
Meet all regulatory requirements and best practices with a thorough review of your existing policies. We can spot gaps in your current program and create a proven plan to update your policies. We can also incorporate any existing policies you already have in place, and make recommendations to improve or revise, where advisable. Don’t have a manual? We implement programs to address all of your employee and organizational requirements. In addition to preparing you with a policy framework, you can access convenient online training for your staff so they’re fully informed about workplace policies and procedures that are required by law.
Employment Agreements
Employment Agreements
Employment agreements are essential in every organization to define and confirm all employment terms and conditions. They also provide employer and employee with clarity and certainty in their working relationship. We create well-written agreements that follow best practices, manage risk and ensure competitive compensation offerings.
Compensation Planning
Compensation Planning
We start with the principle that compensation programs should recognize and reward the results you’re aiming for. We analyze your existing compensation programs and carefully classify and evaluate each role on your team using a proven, objective compensation system to properly measure, score and value each job. We can establish salary ranges/bands for each position. You also have the option for us to review your financial and group health benefit plans to develop integrated total compensation plans that are aligned with your organizational, financial or other strategic goals, and benchmark all of your compensation plans against the market.
Job Evaluation
Job Evaluation
Our proven Job Evaluation Tool (JET) documents relevant responsibilities and changes to a position within your organization. We carefully index and evaluate each job classification through an objective compensation system to properly measure, score and value each role. JET can be combined with our compensation planning and pay equity review services, or engaged as a stand-alone service.
Job Descriptions
Job Descriptions
We complete a workforce and job analysis for all positions in your organization. This includes a review of existing job descriptions (if available) and a comparison of this information with individual job and task execution. Our unique process uses a number of surveys, interviews and verification techniques to capture highly accurate and relevant data before using this information and our own benchmark data to create accurate, concise job descriptions for your staff. From this, we can propose an optimal organizational structure. If you don’t currently have job descriptions, don't worry. This is why we offer this process in our program.
Pay Equity Review
Pay Equity Review
Pay equity reviews and plan development is our specialty for townships, municipalities and organizations needing pay equity systems. Along with our job evaluation and compensation planning services, we make sure that you have a plan which not only meets compliance requirements, but also makes sense for your organization. We also take care of all posting requirements and any follow-ups with the pay equity commission.
Performance Development & Performance Evaluations
Performance Development & Performance Evaluations
Improve your management group’s ability and confidence when it comes to conducting effective performance discussions with staff. We create innovative development strategies with your input to reposition your performance appraisal systems to ensure positive engagement. If you don’t have a performance development system yet, we’ll develop a program with you from the ground up to bring out the best in your team.
Compliance Training
Compliance Training
There are an increasing number of requirements to ensure employers are compliant with best practices and government mandates. We review your practices so they meet compliance standards and provide you with a 'new hire checklist' based on your province and jurisdiction’s requirements. For Ontario employers, we offer a Total Compliance Package (TCP). This training package is specifically designed for small- and medium-sized organizations who want to meet all government-compliance requirements for staff training. This includes Workplace Violence Prevention, Workplace Harassment Prevention, Accessibility (AODA) requirements, and WHMIS. TCP includes continuously updated content, tracking when employees have completed training and scored quizzes to validate it.
Employee Engagements Surveys
Employee Engagements Surveys
Our survey strategy helps you understand whether employees would recommend your organization as a good place to work, and why—or why not. We independently target employee concerns to recognize the issues your workplace is facing. We can survey employees confidentially to collect feedback on key areas of organizational effectiveness. From that, we provide a detailed summary report to inform the direction of organizational planning in your business. We can also conduct exit interviews to follow-up with those who have left (or are about to) to identify issues that may not have otherwise come forward.
Performance Coaching and DiSC Assessments
Performance Coaching and DiSC Assessments
We know that the strength of your organization lies in your people and the quality of relationships they share. Our programs optimize and harness this strength. When your people are thriving, you will have a more productive, innovative and resilient workplace. From conflict resolution to sales coaching, to leadership and mental health, we have a variety of programs to suit your unique organizational needs, including a variety of DiSC and other predictive tools to support your team’s development and to steward continuous improvement and growth in your organization.
Leadership Training & Development Programs
Leadership Training & Development Programs
This program is designed to advance the leadership, management capacity and influence of those high potential employees in your organization who are critical to your future success. This comprehensive coaching program is comprised of powerful workshops and advanced one-to-one coaching sessions to foster the development of the traits and skills that make a great leader. Workshops can be delivered both live or virtually and are guaranteed to have impact.
Corrective Action & Performance Improvement Plans
Corrective Action & Performance Improvement Plans
Even the healthiest workplaces can require difficult conversations when things go wrong. If an employee is experiencing performance shortfalls and you've exhausted all coaching opportunities, we support feedback strategies to improve any challenges. This can be done through formal warnings, corrective action and performance improvement plans to formally document performance and encourage improvement (we view these as ‘corrective action’ opportunities, not simply ‘employee discipline’ issues). Whether it’s a simple absenteeism problem or a complex misconduct issue, we help you identify the right tools and strategies to support correction and to help staff meet expectations.
Staff Recruitment & Executive Search
Staff Recruitment & Executive Search
Whether you’re a small business, a municipality/government organization or a multiple-location corporation, we provide high-quality executive search and direct recruiting services to suit your needs. Through our extensive talent network, we stay connected to the best candidates in a diverse range of professional, accounting / bookkeeping, administrative, municipal, sales, technical and management disciplines. Our recruiting packages include extensive candidate screening, interviews, reference and background checks. We also negotiate final employment terms and conditions and draft an employment agreement for smooth onboarding.
Succession Planning
Succession Planning
Are your employees making the grade at every stage? Identify and develop leadership and talent potential within your organization—not just the c-suite, but for key roles at all levels. We help your organization plan for all contingencies by preparing high-potential employees for advancement. We can initiate onsite facilitation with your management team to design a strategic business plan to address future gaps.
Communication & Recognition
Communication & Recognition
Effective communication is essential for your organization’s success. Improve your communication opportunities and employee engagement through our innovative training programs. Our employee newsletter service can deliver personal messaging to your staff—without the heavy lifting. If you have an issue or program to communicate to your staff, we help you find the most effective way to deliver your message. We also develop tailored recognition programs that can inspire your staff and compliment your core compensation and rewards programs.
If an employee is leaving your organization due to a downturn in business or because of a professional relationship issue, we can support this sometimes difficult transition with specialized outplacement services. Our programs address concerns, along with a proactive strategy developed to plan for a successful outcome for all parties involved. We coach outplacement participants through each step of the transition process so their search for new employment, entrepreneurship (or another path) is successful and they achieve their goals.

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